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OSPU at the IV Forum of Heads of Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States’ Regions


Experts from eleven countries and Russian regions have discussed a wide range of issues concerning international cooperation. Representatives of Omsk State Pedagogical University took part in the work of several educational platforms.

On the opening day of the forum, students and teachers of the Faculty of Foreign Languages took part in the plenary session "Production Cooperation of the SCO Countries’ Regions: Challenges and Opportunities". OSPU students were also volunteering at the international meeting.

"Such meetings are useful for our students in building their future careers. We are interested in exchanging experience and knowledge with foreign colleagues. Universities from different countries took part in the forum. Our students are also interested in business representatives; many students studying Chinese are already cooperating with enterprises in the Omsk region within the framework of international foreign economic activity," said Yulia Kravets, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Oriental Languages.

Participants in the panel session “Joint Educational Programs as a Guarantee of Successful Development of International Relations between SCO Member States’ Regions”, chaired by Deputy Chairman of the Government of Omsk Region, Minister of Education Ivan Krott, included Rector of OSPU Natalia Makarova, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy Arkady Petrusevich, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management, Service and Tourism Elena Alekseenko and Head of the International Cooperation Office Lyudmila Bevzyuk, as well as students of the Faculty of Economics, Management, Service and Tourism.

At the meeting, Natalia Makarova spoke about the implementation of the additional education program at Omsk State Pedagogical University for foreign citizens - teachers and adult learners who wish to study Russian, and noted the interest of OSPU in training would-be teachers and student exchange.

Vladimir Belousov, Vice-Rector for Extracurricular Activities, and students of the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, Physics and Technology took part in the panel session "Youth Cooperation of the SCO Member States’ Regions". More than one hundred young activists gathered for the discussion. The delegates reviewed several major projects for the comprehensive development of youth policy and social initiatives to solve current issues.

"The forum allowed me to meet foreign students from Pakistan, India, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, China, Uzbekistan and Iran. Many useful discussions were held. I was glad to see so many enthusiastic people. Thank you for the warm atmosphere and interesting ideas. I believe that such events will continue in the Omsk region," said Khusanboy Musayev, a student of the Faculty of Philology.

“The speakers at the forum covered a variety of topics: interaction between regions of the SCO member states, the specifics of economic situations, ways to resolve issues under sanctions, as well as the positive influence of the SCO on economic relations,” said Savva Belov, a student at the Faculty of Economics, Management, Service and Tourism.

In early September, the OSPU team recorded audio guides to city attractions in English and Chinese for the forum's foreign guests. These recordings were played to the forum participants on their way from the airport to the hotel on the day of arrival. They can be found in the university's VKontakte group, in a special playlist. Dmitry Solovyov, Head of the English Language Department, and Olga Arkhipova, a student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, took part in the recording of the audio guides under a partnership project with the Ministry of Culture of the Omsk Region and the Tourist Information Center of the Omsk Region.

Office of International Cooperation