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+7 (3812) 24-37-95 (Office of International Cooperation)
Структура университета Версия для слабовидящих
OSPU at the IV Forum of Heads of Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States’ Regions

Experts from eleven countries and Russian regions have discussed a wide range of issues concerning international cooperation.

Omsk State Pedagogical University Summer School of Russian language fascinates the hearts of foreign citizens

Summer School of Russian as a foreign Language and Russian Country Studies ‘Russian ASPECT: August. Siberia. Pushkin’ of Omsk State Pedagogical University has come to an end.

Guest from Uzbekistan at Omsk State Pedagogical University

OSPU maintains good relations with universities in neighboring countries, many students study at our university in bachelor's degree and master's degree programs.

Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages conducted a training in China

Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages Poluikova Svetlana Yurievna returned from Hangzhou, China.

New ambassadors of Omsk State Pedagogical University

The day before, Rector Natalia Stanislavovna Makarova met with foreign graduates of OSPU.

Shaping the Future: OSPU at the International Forum of Ministers of Education

9-12 June 2024 more than 150 representatives of Asian, African and Latin American states met at the II International Forum of Ministers of Education "Shaping the Future" in Kazan.

Representatives of Omsk State Pedagogical University returned from the international creative symposium with excellent results

The international creative symposium ‘Promoting Sustainable Development Goals through Art’ dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University was held in Almaty (Kazakhstan).

On international cooperation between educators

OSPU received guests from the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.

International cooperation. OSPU in "Almaty Management University"

From May 15 to May 20, OSPU became a member of the International Forum of Russian Language Teachers at Almaty Management University of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

International exchanges: professional development and international students at our university

For the first time, a citizen of another state graduated from the Omsk Pedagogical in 1937. Since then, many such students have studied at our university.

About OSPU

Omsk State Pedagogical University was established in 1932 and now is one of the leading pedagogical universities of the Russian Federation.

The mission of Omsk State Pedagogical University is: to save and multiply cultural values of the mankind, to develop and distribute advanced knowledge and information in foresight preparation of Siberia's intellectual elite, based on the integration of educational process, scientific research and innovative pedagogical approaches.

All forms of education programs are available at OSPU: full-time, part-time, evening studies.

Language of study is Russian.


Faculties of Omsk State Pedagogical University:

  • Faculty of Natural Sciences;
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages;
  • Faculty of History, Philosophy and Law;
  • Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, Physics and Technology;
  • Faculty of Primary, Preschool and Special Education;
  • Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy;
  • Faculty of Economics, Management, Service and Tourism;
  • Faculty of Philology;
  • Faculty of Arts;
  • Postgraduate Education Center.

University college

University Academic Lyceum

Institute of Supplementary and Continuing Education

During its history, OSPU has become a large scientific, educational and cultural center with a wide range of specializations, innovative educational technologies, and various forms of professional training. More than 7000 students study at 36 departments of the University. The main area of study at the University is pedagogical education, within which students choose their profile. The university offers more than 40 specializations of the Bachelor’s Degree and more than 35 of the Master’s Degree in mathematics and computer science, physics, chemistry and biology, history and law, economics and management, philology and linguistics, psychology, sociology, culture and art. OSPU provides Doctoral Programs and PhD dissertation committees. 

According to the goals of Russian higher education, the development of international cooperation is one of the university's priorities. Currently, more than 600 foreign students study at OSPU. At the Faculty of Philology there is a Department of Russian as a foreign language for foreign citizens who want to learn Russian and continue to study at the university. Foreign students are taught using special teaching aids and materials. The course is mainly conducted in Russian; partly foreign languages are used in teaching process.

OSPU has created the learning and living conditions, according to the international standards. Moreover, foreign students appreciate the balance of high educational quality and price. The student hostel is located in the very center of Omsk, near the main campus of the University, with shopping centers and supermarkets, transport stops, cafes and canteens, Omsk State Regional Research Library named after Alexander Pushkin, leisure and recreation facilities nearby. Representatives of various ethnic, cultural and religious communities successfully live in Omsk, the tolerance of Siberians, their inherent interest in the culture and traditions of other nations ensures safety and social security of foreign students. Omsk citizens are pleased to acquaint everyone with their centuries-old history, share the peculiarities of the mentality and culture of Siberia.