Summer school of Russian as a foreign language «Russian Aspect: August. Siberia. Pushkin»
Period: from 29 July to 13 August 2024.
Program contains: 72 academic hours (2 ECTS).
Mode of study: full-time.
Issued document: OSPU of course completion.

Category of participants: citizens of foreign countries, students of colleges and higher educational institutions, persons who are interested in improving their Russian language skills and have a need to get acquainted with the culture of Russia, everyday life, culture and traditions of the inhabitants of certain regions (in particular, the city of Omsk, the Omsk region) and who have initial communicative skills at the basic level of Russian as a foreign language.

The aim of the educational programme is to develop the communicative competence of foreign citizens on the basis of studying Russian as a foreign language and immersion in the multinational culture of Russia, represented by the peculiarities of everyday life, traditions and other socio-cultural practices of the residents of the Omsk city and the Omsk region. The summer school is dedicated to the anniversary of the great Russian writer, symbol of Russian culture - Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. His name is encrypted in the name of the school - ‘Russian ASPect’. Along with immersion into the world of Pushkin's creative work, the school's students will be able to improve their communication skills and undergo intensive training on various aspects of Russian grammar.